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Apple Watch Mickey Mouse face screen shot
Apple Watch screen shot. Date in upper right corner (May 30) was yesterday.


Still getting used to the Apple watch i received four days ago. Driving home from the track meet, Cheryl called and i answered from the Apple Watch.

It was a moment.

A random, seemingly insignificant moment.

Like the baby steps i began taking in 1999 after a health scare from a cholesterol report. The motivation to get healthy or risk heart (attack) complications.

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And by stuff, he means everything

Had the opportunity to get a personal tour inside USATF’s HQ


HQ means Head Quarters.

The place where the most important people and stuff reside.

And by stuff, i mean everything, including our attitude about our responsibility to remain vibrantly healthy.

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Unintentional jerk-ish-ness















Ordered the Apple Watch at 3:01 EST on April 10. Apple sent a congratulatory email with the delivery date estimate of June. June 1 or June 30? Big difference. Plan on worst case scenario, June 30.

So when it arrived May 26, there was no need to rip the package open. Even though the Watch has few owners so far. Prestige is not a consideration.

Tried to have a little fun on Facebook with the box opening. It backfired. It took too long and my friends thought it was intentional and kinda jerk-ish.

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In five years will this seem archaic?

Apple Watch shipping box
The Apple Watch arrived yesterday afternoon. Last night the box still wasn’t opened.


In five years will the first generation Apple Watch seem archaic? When i open the box later today, it will feel like a high tech game-changing device.

It’s pretty cool to treat it as a tool to use rather than some status symbol.

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